Normally when I hear long weekend I think, "great! more time to do fun stuff". So we planned a trip to visit friends in a nearby city. However, my immune system decided, once again, to let me down. So instead of a fun trip I'm sitting on the couch blowing my nose. I have only left the house once since Thursday.
On to more encouraging words... We received not one, not two, but THREE packages in the mail last week. Wow! Feel the love! Yes, they were all for Karis. She really has enjoyed all of her new toys over the past 3 days (since we haven't left the house). Thank you for showing your love in a very tangible way! It really is wonderful to know you haven't forgot us here.
Here today was the presidential election and Brazil elected the first woman president. Who just happens to have never held an elected office. Many of the educated people are astonished because of her lack of experience and "unpatriotic" history. The fact that her opponent was the "obviously" better choice since he has served in multiple federal positions and as the governor of Sao Paulo. Well, I've said too much. Read more for yourself here.