We made it! One year in Brazil!
It has not been easy. It has not been without struggle.
This past year so much has changed. We are not the same family that left the USA 366 days ago.
Most important God has made us a little more like Him.
Hard to sum the past year up b/c we have experienced so many different events and emotions.
We have met so many wonderful people. So much of our time was spent frustrated b/c we couldn't say exactly what we wanted. Days went by when I thought, how will I ever be able to not be stressed out when someone asks me a question. I want to understand people and I want them to understand me. But still people were our friends! Amazing! They had so much patience with us.
I still get angry when I find a new recipe that sounds so yummy and when I read the ingredients I realize we don't have about 5 of them. (Side note: There is campbell's soup here for only $5 for one can, ha.)
Anyways, I have to end with this... Most days I love Brazil! But there are days that I wonder what my life would be like in the US.
I look forward to this next year! Making our home here finally, sharing the Gospel, and having friends and family visit are just a few goals.