Monday, September 30, 2013


We visited a town with canals.

Crazy man with the horn on the boat.


Pool time

Vila do Conde - surfer beach - team mates

Coimbra's pedestrian bridge

Ikea - again

Some things are similar. Do you notice anything different?



This room fills up quick!

Bibe - apron - uniform

University of Coimbra - College of Linguistics - Men's choir performance

Really old part of the university - like older than America

We got our crate! K got her bicycle!

Santa Clara Monastery - like from 1316 (the year)

It was abandoned after lots of floods in 1677  and discovered in 1999. (five minutes from our house)

Our road sign

Emily went to Lisbon for a day trip. This is the longest bridge in Europe.

Same guy that did the Eiffel Tower

Entrance to the city from the river.

L has some bad allergy that caused her to struggle breathing. We spent half a day in the hospital for treatments.

New afternoon snack rotation- pop corn.

War Eagle! Number 1

Our garden in the city.

Same McDonald's high chair from 1980.

Friday, September 6, 2013

August- We moved to Portugal!

See you... when you come to visit!

Sweet Friends!


Aunt Laura gave Lydia bangs.

Nana's babies.

New friends!


View from our hotel window.

The beach!

Cold ocean.

Our new old city.


Excavating Roman ruins.

Interesting decor

A little bit outside the city. Close to our apartment.

Dress up.
Opening presents in the airport.

Layover...delay...gate change...delay...

Being one is exhausting.

Our apartment.