Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Power Words and Wonder of God

We returned yesterday from a jam packed weekend of learning about the power of words and the wonder of God. I was exhausted before we even arrived from the week of school, but I was amazed to experience God sustaining me and giving me attentive ears despite my weak body and need for sleep. Steven and I were so blessed to spend the weekend with the Parnell's and I really enjoyed getting to know them! I was humbled to see how God has provided for them in their short time as a family.
Here are a couple pictures from our time in Minneapolis...

The conference was challenging, refreshing, and full of rejoicing. The sessions are online and free to listen to. Desiring God ministries is where you can find all of them. If you only have time for one let me suggest Paul Tripp. I have read some of his books and listen to his pod cast. He gets right to the heart and our need to look within us to see our biggest problem.
However, you should listen to them all! It will challenge the way you say words, think about words, and the actual words that you say. Those things considered... I am really struggling to get this blog post complete because I am considering each word. I pray my words are glorifying God!

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