Monday, May 11, 2009

Packages and Mother's Day

I am counting down the days of work that I have left before we leave... I don't completely hate my job, but I am ready for a change. So when I got of work late at night Friday I was thrilled to have received a package in the mail. I love to get mail! Aunt Molly (I figure she's the closest thing I have to a biological sister so our baby will call her aunt) had sent the baby his/her first onesy (is that what it is called?). It is pictured in the former post. Love it- it has stars! I tried to convince Steven that a perfect girl name was Star (at least middle name), but he doesn't agree.

Then, Saturday I received (I waited until after work to check the mail- on purpose) another package from Granny (my mom)! She sent me Nam's Bits- little chocolate chip cookies from B-ham that we both love. I also got the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and a huge gift card for maternity clothes.
I also got two mother's day cards! One from GG-Mom and one from Granny.

Yesterday, for Mom's day, Steven took me to lunch and shopping for maternity clothes. We shopped til we dropped and ended up with lots of great deals. Maternity pants are awesome!

Being a mom is great! It's like the easiest thing I've ever done. And I get to take naps and eat a lot.


Tara & Johhny said...

oh enjoy the naps now!! i loved the pregnant naps though...they were great and you definitely need them :)

Mrs. Anyanwu said...

I must be made to be preggers than because I take naps and eat alot already!

Anonymous said...

I agree, maternity pants are the best. I think all pants should be made with a stretchy top like that. Wait, I will actually have a reason to wear them in a few months too! Yay! for maternity pants!