Wednesday, May 25, 2011

19 months and 19 weeks

My kiddos are 19 months old today and 19 weeks old (pre-birth). Something about this fact makes me incredibly tired.
No time for a nap today. First, I must clean the dirt from the balcony, living room, clothes and shoes. It wasn't funny at the time, and won't be until I'm done cleaning it up. Joey came over this morning to play with K and I left the door to the balcony open. Within a minute there was dirt (that used to be in the plant) everywhere! I sure do like the farming skills the kids have picked up from Uncle Mark, but from now on we will only practice farming at his house.

In other news: we're finding out if baby number 2 is a boy or girl tonight. I am such a great wife that I have not looked at the results of my ultrasound on Monday morning because Steven's been out of town. So finally the wait will be over in a few hours!

1 comment:

Tara & Johhny said...

boy or girl???? post another post!!!